Keeping your pond in good condition should be your number one priority. Once your pond starts developing problems, you will find that it will take more time and money than if you were attempting to prevent these problems from happening in the first place.

Water Quality
You filtration system is extremely important. There are 2 main types of filtration, mechanical and biological. Mechanical filtration relieves the pond of solids such as dead algae, insects, and Koi wastes. Biological filtration will remove dissolved wastes such as Koi urine from your pond. Without biological filtration, the ammonia from Koi urine will build up and kill your Koi within just a few days.
Keeping you Koi pond clean should be one of your number one priorities. A clean pond could mean the difference between your Koi living a beautiful stress free life, and potentially suffering until they ultimately die. The water in which your Koi live is not only where they eat, sleep, and feed, but it is also where they use the bathroom in it as well. If you do not properly clean your pond, it is almost as if your Koi are living in the bathroom toilet.
The water in your pond should almost be completely clear. Your pond should contain no floating or suspended debris and the Koi should appear to be floating in air. If you are unable to see the bottom of your pond, then chances are your pond is not clean enough.
Keep Supplies On Hand
As a new Koi pond owner, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of supplies needed to properly maintain your Koi pond. While the importance of the majority of these items cannot be denied, the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount needed should be disregarded. Simply knowing the function of each item can help you understand why they are needed.
There are certain items that you need to have on hand at all times. Because you pond is outdoors, emergency situations do occur. Nature is simply unpredictable at times, and you do not want to be caught in a situation where an item is needed, but they is no way to obtain it.
Do Not Overfeed
Overfeeding can ultimately cause water quality issues. In nature, Koi would not eat nearly the amount of food that they do in controlled ponds. It is not unheard of for pond owners to feed many pounds of food to their Koi per week. This produces a larger amount of waste, whether it comes from the digestion process on the Koi’s part, or the amount of uneaten food that has settled to the bottom and spoiled. It is important to vacuum the bottom out as much as possible and make sure all types of drainage systems are clear and in working order.
Water Quality
You filtration system is extremely important. There are 2 main types of filtration, mechanical and biological. Mechanical filtration relieves the pond of solids such as dead algae, insects, and Koi wastes. Biological filtration will remove dissolved wastes such as Koi urine from your pond. Without biological filtration, the ammonia from Koi urine will build up and kill your Koi within just a few days.
Keeping you Koi pond clean should be one of your number one priorities. A clean pond could mean the difference between your Koi living a beautiful stress free life, and potentially suffering until they ultimately die. The water in which your Koi live is not only where they eat, sleep, and feed, but it is also where they use the bathroom in it as well. If you do not properly clean your pond, it is almost as if your Koi are living in the bathroom toilet.
The water in your pond should almost be completely clear. Your pond should contain no floating or suspended debris and the Koi should appear to be floating in air. If you are unable to see the bottom of your pond, then chances are your pond is not clean enough.
Keep Supplies On Hand
As a new Koi pond owner, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of supplies needed to properly maintain your Koi pond. While the importance of the majority of these items cannot be denied, the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount needed should be disregarded. Simply knowing the function of each item can help you understand why they are needed.
There are certain items that you need to have on hand at all times. Because you pond is outdoors, emergency situations do occur. Nature is simply unpredictable at times, and you do not want to be caught in a situation where an item is needed, but they is no way to obtain it.
Do Not Overfeed
Overfeeding can ultimately cause water quality issues. In nature, Koi would not eat nearly the amount of food that they do in controlled ponds. It is not unheard of for pond owners to feed many pounds of food to their Koi per week. This produces a larger amount of waste, whether it comes from the digestion process on the Koi’s part, or the amount of uneaten food that has settled to the bottom and spoiled. It is important to vacuum the bottom out as much as possible and make sure all types of drainage systems are clear and in working order.
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